Living Arrows 40/52 {2018}

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” Kahlil Gibran.

Every Monday for the rest of this year I will share with you two photo’s of my children that celebrate their childhood.


girl in glasses concentratin on a craft project surrounded by materials

Daisy loves doing crafts but there hasn’t been time lately to let her create to her heart’s content. On Sunday she made a birthday card for daddy then spent a good hour afterwards cutting, sticking and colouring.

We’ve had a somewhat difficult week with Daisy this week, this doesn’t happen often. On Thursday she was unkind to one of her friends at school. Daisy is usually a really kind girl but we all have our moments I suppose. We talked about how she had made her friend feel and how she would feel if it was her someone had been unkind to. Of course she was very sorry that she had upset someone by being unkind. She wrote a little note and apologised to her friend the next day.

We have also had to have words about looking after her toys and games after finding lots of purposely broken things in her bedroom this week. I’m sure she’s just going through a phase at the moment but she still needs to learn how to take care of the things she is lucky enough to own.


boy sitting on leather couch looking up at the television

On Sunday we had one of those lovely relaxing days at home. I snapped this photo while Jake was deeply engrossed in Blaze and the Monster Machines on Netflix.

Jake has had another fantastic week at school, he even got the star of the week award in the celebration assembly on Friday. He made little cards at school to tell his teachers how much he loves learning phonics and coming to school. You can’t really ask for more than that really, I love that he’s so happy in school.

If you enjoyed this weeks post you might also like Living Arrows 39/52 {2018}.

Living Arrows


4 thoughts on “Living Arrows 40/52 {2018}

  1. Sorry to hear Daisy hasn’t had a great week. It sounds like you’re doing a great job of working through it with her though. And it’s fab that Jake is doing so well at school. #LivingArrows

  2. I am sure Daisy won’t be unkind again – at least not for a while. If she’s anything like Athena she is pretty perfect after one of those talks – they usually really get to her! x

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