Coupon & Cash Back Apps Haul

Chris usually works on a Saturday but there was no work available for today so I thought I would put him to good use and send him out to do a coupon and cash back haul, I’m sure he doesn’t mind.

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I always start by checking on MySupermarket where I can get the most value from my coupons, very often a product will be on offer for £1 and the coupon value will be £1 making it completely free.


You can print a coupon for £1 off Covent Garden Soups on their website, they are currently on offer at Morrisons for £1 making them totally free after using the coupon, you can also claim 50p cash back on the Shopitize app making it a money maker !

If you are signed up to the Live Danone website you can print off coupons for their products, I used a 50p off Oykos to get these Salted Caramel yoghurts for 70p which is a bargain as they are currently on offer for £1.20 at Morrisons.


The current issue of the Asda magazine has a coupon for 50p off any Low Low cheese product, these cheese spreads are currently on offer for £1 making them 50p each after coupons.

The Up & Go drink is free after cash back on the ClickSnap app, I also had a 50p manufacturers coupon making this a money maker too.


Every third Thursday of the month the Daily Mirror newspaper has money off coupons for products at Aldi, although the 50% off ones are becoming less each month there are still some good savings to be made, this little lot should have cost £8 but after coupons only cost £5.17.

Do you enjoy couponing? what’s the best thing you’ve got for free using a coupon? leave me a comment below I love hearing from you.


| Filed under Money

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