Three Steps To Becoming More Confident

Did you know that 85% of the world’s population are affected by low self-esteem?

As a result, if you’re struggling with your confidence right now, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s something that everyone will deal with at some stage in their lives. 

However, beyond this, it’s important that you work to rebuild your confidence after it’s taken a hit. After all, you deserve to feel good about yourself – and there are many different ways in which you can make this possible. 

With that in mind, here are three steps you can follow to become more confident.

1. Smile more often.

When we smile (even when we don’t really feel like smiling), our brain begins to produce a higher volume of hormones such as dopamine and serotonin – which are known mood-boosters. As a result, studies have found that people who smile more often are more confident.

However, this step may not seem all that useful if your smile is the cause of your self-esteem issues. For example, 3 in 5 people hate how their smile looks and will try to actively avoid smiling or showing their teeth.  

If you fall into this category, it’s important that you look into ways to ‘improve’ your smile and restore your confidence in your reflection. For example, if there are gaps within your teeth, you could look into different aligners that can be used to fix gap in teeth.

2. Give yourself a compliment.

Being on the receiving end of a compliment can change the entire trajectory of your day – whether they’re complimenting your outfit or your hair. However, many people fail to realise that complimenting yourself can trigger a similar response within our brains.

As a result, it’s time that you started speaking to yourself with the same love and kindness that you show to others. Each time you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror, try to give yourself a compliment. While it may seem difficult, to begin with, you’ll begin to find it easier over time.

Furthermore, you do not necessarily need to complement your appearance. For example, you could instead praise your work ethic, your intelligence or your kindness. The kinder you become to yourself, the closer you are to becoming the best version of yourself.

3. Start working out.

Working out more often is also a great way to elevate your confidence levels because it can improve your relationship with your body. For example, regular exercise can facilitate healthy weight loss while also showing you just how amazing, powerful and strong your body is. All of the above can work to make you feel more confident! 

Furthermore, studies have found that, much like smiling, exercising boosts your body’s production of mood-boosting hormones, which means you’ll naturally begin to feel more confident and optimistic as exercise begins to take up more of your time. Beyond this, committing to staying fit and healthy is also a great way to set a fantastic example and encourage your child to be physically active.


| Filed under Lifestyle

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