Word of the Week – Mischief

This week’s word of the week is mischief and it’s all about my youngest son Jake. Jake is a bundle of unstoppable energy, he drives us all bananas with his crazy and sometimes dangerous antics but he has these beautiful blue eyes and wicked grin that weakens your resolve when you are trying to tell him off.

Word of the Week Mischief

This week has seen Jake ramp up his usual level of mischief which has been challenging and frustrating but also quite comical at times and I’ve found myself saying things that you never imagine having to say.

“Jake don’t put Play-Doh on your melon !”

“Jake don’t stick that knife up your nostril !”

“Jake don’t eat the cat’s biscuits !”


I think that’s the wonderful thing about parenting sometimes it can be so frustrating and you find yourself locked in the bathroom crying into your cold cup of coffee wondering why your fate seems to involve being tortured by a tiny terror and then other times your heart is so full of love and amazement that you created this funny little creature who wraps their arms around your neck and makes your world a better place.

What funny and ridiculous things have to had to say to your children? leave me a comment I love hearing from you.

I’m linking up with Jocelyn at The Reading Residence for Word of the Week.


The Reading Residence
Angela xx

6 thoughts on “Word of the Week – Mischief

  1. It is funny the things you can find yourself saying sometimes, and so totally random! Jake sounds like my Little Man, always a bit of mischief! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  2. Sounds like my boy so much energy and not enough time to get rid. Especially worse if we have visitors that I need a mummy break or I will fall apart. He is totally adorable though! X #wotw

  3. “Stop chewing everything, you’re not a puppy!” is a favourite here. Had to chuckle over the “don’t stick your knife up your nostril” one – definitely not something that you can ever imagine yourself saying pre-parenthood! 🙂

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