Word Of The Week – Poorly

This weeks word couldn’t be anything except poorly. The fun and games started on Friday while we running errands after school. Poor Jake was sick in the car and had to travel back home in his sisters hoody and little else. He was sick once more in the night before perking up and getting back to himself really quickly. We wrote it off as perhaps something that he ate hadn’t agreed with him and life went on as normal.

The kids went to school as usual on Monday and all was well. During the early hours of Tuesday morning Daisy began being poorly, much worse than Jake had been. I felt so bad for her as Zoolab was due to visit school that day and she had been so looking forward to it. After a terrible nights sleep for us all I decided to keep Jake off nursery, there really was no way I could drag Daisy out of the house on the school run.

I didn’t feel quite right either so once Chris had gone to work I decided we would have a day of movies and not much else. Daisy was still poorly, she was confined to sipping water she must have been so hungry. A little later that morning poor Chris flew through the door and straight for the bathroom. Chris usually avoids any illness the kids or I manage to pick up, but this time it hot him hard. He spent the whole day and night in bed. I kept checking on him and taking fresh water up to keep him hydrated.

I’m happy to report that I thankfully avoided the worse part of the bug. Lets just say I saw more of the loo than any movie we watched that day.

Life is slowly returning to normal although we are all feeling a little sorry for ourselves. Here’s to the rest of the month being a healthy one.

You might enjoy my previous word of the week post, Celebrate.



14 thoughts on “Word Of The Week – Poorly

  1. Oh no, sorry to hear you’ve all been poorly. I hate bugs like this, when you know they’re likely to spread and do just wipe everyone out. Hope you all bounce back next week x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. I really hope you are all feeling better now. with 7 of us in the house I always go into panic mode when one gets sick. There are some nasty bugs around these days. x

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