Word Of The Week – Changes

This week has been all about changes, making them and thinking about them. My health so far this year hasn’t been great and unless I make a change it’s not going to get any better. I’ve also been thinking a lot about our routines and the things that I would like to change about them.

There won’t be any radical diets or healthy living regimes for me, it’s all about taking baby steps to change. Top of my list is getting my blood sugars under control. I’m listening to my body and recognising the signs of both high and low blood sugars. As well as eating smaller but more frequent meals I’ve also been upping my intake of vegetables and fruits. I’m making better choices. I’m hoping that at my next diabetic check up in November I will be able to reduce the amount of medication I currently take.

The next thing I want to change is the amount of time I spend sitting on my bum. I’m looking to start some gentle daily exercise to get me moving again. None of this is about loosing weight, I love my body and am totally comfortable in my skin. This is about my health and being around for my children for as long as possible.

I’ve been thinking about routines lately too, I’m someone who thrives on routine and organisation. No matter how hard I’ve tried, since the beginning of the year I just can’t stay organised. It’s time for an overhaul, to drop things that aren’t working and try something new.

You might enjoy my previous word of the week post, Relaxed.


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6 thoughts on “Word Of The Week – Changes

  1. Lots of changes there for you. I do hope the changes to your diet help, and I completely agree that it needs to be small things that work for you and then you’re more likely to stick to them than faddy diets or huge changes – I can’t ever do that! We’ve been walking a lot more this week which is something I’ve realised that, due to the awful winter, we’d done a lot less of so I’m hoping with brighter weather we’ll all be exercising more and in such an easy enjoyable way to – a stroll around a National Trust place is loads more fun than going for a run! Good luck with it all, and your routine adjustments x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Sounds like a week of thought & change – it is good reflect on life and see what is & isn’t working for you.

    It sounds like you’re making good lifestyle changes regarding food & exercise. I hope the outcome proves to be what you hope re: your next diabetic check up. I absolutely love walking and find that’s the main kind of daily exercise that works for me. I try to walk a lot with Alexander and as the three of us as a family, but I do love a solo walk whilst he is at nursery – great thinking time too. Sticking with walking, but more on the exercise front, I can’t recommend Jessica Smith enough. She does fitness videos on YouTube, with the ones I enjoy being the walking ones. Really great fun; short, enjoyable and engaging.

    I hope you find a new daily routine that works for you also; I’m very much the same in terms of thriving on routine. #WotW

  3. It sounds like you are being really sensible and all the changes are for the best….Good luck! I think if you change things slowly it will all work out ok x

  4. I always say when making changes to anything… baby steps is the way forward

  5. I am not as organised at the moment either Angela, I so need to grab hold of the situation and start getting to the gym more as it makes me feel so much better. I see how rubbish high and low sugars make Jack feel and you are right long term its so important to get a handle on this. I think you are so right to take small steps to get this right for you x

  6. Sometimes it’s so hard to get into a good routine isn’t it, and I definitely think small steps are the answer. Well done on upping your fruit and vegetables, I really need to get into a habit of snacking on more fruit x

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