Confidence is a trait that you have to work on developing throughout your life. This is due to the fact that your confidence levels are impacted by a range of internal and external factors, such as self-doubt and societal pressures. As a result, it can be difficult to become the best version of yourself.
However, confidence-building can feel next to impossible for children who are a little on the shy side. Despite this, there are plenty of steps that parents can take to lift their spirits and raise confident, empowered children.
With that in mind, here are some top tips to get you started on supporting your child on their journey to confidence.
Be a positive role model
Our confidence levels are often affected by the way in which we perceive ourselves. For example, negative thoughts regarding our appearance will eventually spiral into low confidence. However, while avoiding these thoughts entirely may seem impossible, how you respond to them is important – as children are more perceptive than you think and will often emulate their parent’s behaviour. For example, if you often speak about yourself negatively, they will begin to do the same thing about themselves. By being a positive role model, not only will you be a little kinder to yourself, but you’ll also set a great example for your children.
Encourage them to participate in sports
Studies suggest that children who regularly engage in exercise or play as part of a sports team are often more confident. This is because playing sports enables them to develop excellent skills in teamwork and communication, as well as improving their physicality and fitness levels. Furthermore, it also helps them to feel more confident as it gives them a healthy way to deal with stress and anxiety. Furthermore, when encouraging your child to get involved in sports – encourage them not to limit themselves to the kind of activities they should participate in. For example, they should not let gender norms decide what hobbies they pursue. For example, rugby was perceived as a male-only sport for years, even though rugby for women is just as entertaining and challenging.
Encourage them to be proud of who they are
Sometimes, a lack of confidence within children stems from the idea that they do not fit in or are different from their peers. However, you can combat this issue by teaching your children that there is nothing wrong with standing out. Our differences are what make us who we are – and they should be celebrated.
Don’t criticise them for mistakes
No matter how old we are, we never quite grow out of the habit of making mistakes in our personal, professional or academic lives. This is because making mistakes (and learning from them) is part of human nature. However, it can also hurt your child’s confidence if you are overly critical or chastising whenever they make a mistake. Instead, find a way to turn the conversation into something positive – for example, you could praise them for how they were honest about their mistake or the steps they took to solve the issue.