6 Health Tips for Busy Dads

Health is everything. Men often believe they are invincible, but it seems no one told them about the many conditions and health problems that can creep up on them in later life. Maintaining your health isn’t just important for yourself, but also for your family. You want to be around as long as possible to watch your children continue to grow and achieve great things, and you want to be fit and healthy to enjoy it all with them. Staying healthy is your priority, so here are six tips for making sure you stay in tip-top condition. 


Stay Active

Everyone knows the importance of movement. Exercise is good for your mind and your body. Staying active and doing some form of exercise every day will keep your health and spirits high. And no, this doesn’t mean you have to slog away in the gym for hours. Having a kick about in the garden with your kid’s counts! Anything that gets you moving and your blood pumping!

Go Outside

There is something so soothing about being outside – the brisk air, the nature, the possibility for adventure – and this goes hand in hand with staying active. Get the children involved and go on a brisk walk exploring the woods, take the bikes for a spin or the football to the park. Try and spend a few hours every week connecting with the outdoors, and your family. 

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is more important than you think. Getting enough sleep is something that generally isn’t prioritised, but it definitely should be. Without enough sleep, your mind and body just cannot function properly. For maximum fatherly functioning, it is recommended to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. You deserve a good night’s sleep.

Resist the Junk

Eating lots of junk and foods that are high in sugar and processed carbs will have big flashing lights screaming heart disease and diabetes. Eating these processed foods builds cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which can lead to serious problems. Eating a nutritious and balanced diet is key to keeping healthy. Treat yourself now and then, but you can’t have a burger for every meal. Don’t teach those kids bad habits!

Regular Check-Ups 

Even if you take the reins on your health in every way you can by staying active and eating healthy, there are conditions and problems that can go undetected. That’s why it is still important to get yourself checked and go for a full medical check-up by professionals that you can trust, like those at Echelon Health. Going for a full medical check-up at Echelon Health will find anything that needs to be addressed before it becomes a problem, so it can be treated and you can continue living your busy life.


Mental health is just as important as physical health, and talking really does help. If your mind isn’t healthy, your body won’t be healthy. Talk to someone you can trust and seek support whenever you need it. 

Keep yourself healthy inside and out so you can live life to its fullest and enjoy all the joys of being a father for years to come.


| Filed under Lifestyle

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