What other word could there be this week than Christmas? The last presents have been wrapped, the tub of chocolate has been opened and the food shop has been done.
I’ve cleaned the house from top to bottom several times over. The kids are full to the brim with excitement and the CBeebies panto has been on repeat since the weekend.
I had lots of last-minute work come in this week so things have been hectic, to say the least. I’ve decided that what doesn’t get done tonight will have to wait until after Christmas. I’m well and truly ready for a break from the daily grind. It’s been so nice having Daisy home this week, we have done lots of fun little festive activities. I’ve even had a lie-in which is a rarity in this house.
On Christmas Eve our house will be full of family and delicious food. The children will get the jam-packed hamper I’ve put together for them.
The evening will be spent trying to sneak presents under the tree and building a doll’s house. Chris and I will then spend some time together watching a film, I’m opting for Scrooged this year. Of to bed, we will go in anticipation of an early morning wake-up call from excited children. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
I wish all of you lovely readers and fellow bloggers a very happy Christmas, Thank you for all your support this year and for returning each week to read my waffle.
It all sounds very exciting, Merry Christmas Angela, to you and all your family xx
It’s all go, isn’t it? My two are about ready to burst here! Sounds like you’re all set, so have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for sharing with #WotW x
It sounds like you have been having a lot of fun!
Your Christmas eve hamper looks amazing!
Merry Christmas x
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (great looking hamper, by the way). #WotW
Have a lovely Christmas – love the look at that gingerbread house, and by the looks on their faces so do your two!
eek, all ready for the big day. Merry Christmas X #wotw