Each Sunday I share a week in review that includes little snippets of our family life, anything fun we have done and any milestones that we reach.
I’ve decided to bring back the week in review posts I used to write, I’ve really missed sharing our week as it helps to keep me motivated into taking more photos and planning our week a little better.
This week hasn’t been the best, we had some sad family news that just seemed to go from bad to worse, It’s awful when people you are close to are hurting and there isn’t much you can do to help.
I have also not been feeling too great this week, I’ve felt a bit like I’m treading water but not really getting anywhere, Chris has done more than his fair share of the night feeds but I still don’t feel rested.
I’m a very organised person by nature and having no routine is getting me down a little, I know it won’t last but I will be jumping for joy when Jake settles into a routine and I can start planning my days a bit better.
I did manage to get out for a few hours this week and meet up with my comping friends for a meal and a gossip so that lifted my spirits.
Anyway here are some pictures from our week.
I wore my lucky horseshoe earrings for the compers meet, I’m hoping they have brought me some luck and I will have a big win soon!
I made Tagliatelle for the first time ever this week, I can’t believe how simple it is to make and it was delicious.
I found some brilliant bargains at Mothercare for Jake, all the above cost me just under £10, I’m building up his toy collection as we gave all Daisy’s old baby toys away.
That’s about it for this week, I’m hoping for a much better week ahead.
The health visitor is coming tomorrow for a final visit which I’m not looking forward to, I would much rather be left to get on with things than be given advice I don’t agree with and am not going to follow anyway.
Have you done anything exciting this week? Do you struggle when things feel a bit disorganised? leave me a comment below and let me know.
Angela x