A Week In Review {23.9.13}

I can’t believe the weather we are having here in the North West this week, it certainly doesn’t feel like the end of September, there are barely any signs of Autumn & I’m desperate to start wearing my cosier clothes.

I’ve had a mass de-clutter this week which always makes me feel better, I’ve still got downstairs to sort out but it’s not a huge job. I haven’t really had time for much else this week so not many photos have been taken.

Daisy and I baked a cake as part of a challenge to use Dairy Milk Pebbles, she had great fun mixing and pouring, but things got a little messy as you can imagine.

I washed the shells we collected from the beach in Cornwall, Daisy loves sorting them out and counting them, it keeps her occupied for ages.

Today I went to the Baby & Toddler show at Event City in Manchester, I completely forgot to take any pictures but did pick up a couple of freebies.

I also went on a little shopping spree with my vouchers and gift cards that I won, and managed to pop in a few Christmas gifts for people so that was a bonus.

This picture does not do my spending spree justice, I must learn how to photograph clothes!

I treated myself to these lovelies with my John Lewis voucher, I’m officially owl-obsessed.

Do you have anything exciting planned for the first week of October? Do you love this time of year or do you prefer the Sun? Leave me a comment if you like.

Angela x


| Filed under Family

One thought on “A Week In Review {23.9.13}

  1. Its been official that you are owl obsessed for quite some time you just didn't get included on the memo 😛

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