Five Frugal Things For June {2018}

June has been a brilliant frugal month for us, we’ve made lots of savings but still had lots of fun. We recently booked a holiday for next year and it’s given us the motivation to work really hard to pay for it. My thoughts in June also turn to planning for Christmas (don’t hate me !). With a holiday to pay for, this year needs to be as lean and frugal as possible. I’m already thinking outside the box when it comes to saving for the festive season.

Here are my five frugal things for June.

  • Chris’s dad very generously gave us his old car. As much as we loved our old car accepting his offer made much more financial sense. The road tax, insurance, and running costs are a fraction of what we were paying. We did have to pay a cancellation fee for the insurance policy but the savings we are making far outweigh this.


  • We went on holiday at the beginning of June and came home with unspent money. I wrote this post about how we used a budget and saved money on our family holiday. We had a lovely time and didn’t feel deprived or like we were missing out by not spending lots of money.


  • This month has been a great month for freebies. I’ve had lots of lovely food and drink from shopping apps, free samples through the post, prizes and free entertainment.


  • As we are half way through the year it seemed the perfect time for a stock take of our monthly outgoings. By doing this we have negotiated better deals, cancelled subscriptions we weren’t using and saved ourselves lots of money. I find it really helpful to write in my planner when subscriptions or contracts are coming to an end.


  • This month I have worked my socks off when it comes to online earnings and it’s paid off. I’ve been taking surveys as soon as they have landed in my inbox, applied for focus groups and searched for paid opportunities for the blog. Having next years holiday booked has given me the push to work harder than ever. With the money from the sale of the car and everything I’ve earned in June, we have already paid almost half of the total cost.

What frugal things have you done this month? leave me a comment I love hearing from you.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this you might also enjoy Five Frugal Things for May too.




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