Save Money On Groceries Using Coupons & Cashback

I love to save money on groceries or even better get them for free. One way I like to do this is by using coupons and cashback apps. I thought I would share how I do this so you can stretch your budget too.

two paper bags containing groceries


If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that while I’m not extreme I do like a bit of couponing. Coupons are everywhere nowadays, the internet is a fantastic resource for finding them. A search of ‘Extreme Couponing’ on Facebook will bring up some brilliant pages and groups.

I like to make the most of my coupons by using them when the product is on a promotional sale.  This often makes the product totally free or at a lower price. You can see my post here about getting the most value from your coupons.

I like to keep my coupons organised so I bought a folder from Amazon to keep all my coupons together. You could also use a pencil case or make-up bag, they work just as well.

plastic folder with coupons on the top


Cashback apps are fantastic ways to try products for free. You simply buy the featured product and then upload your receipt. Here are some of my favourites.

Shopmium (use my referral code KMFEUAMT to get an extra free product when you sign up).

Green Jinn


You can also save money on everyday groceries too. Always check your receipt against the apps to see if you can save any money on the things you have bought.

I also use some high street stores and restaurant apps on my phone too. They often have fantastic offers and discounts available. If there’s a store you shop in regularly I definitely recommend finding out if they have an app. Lots of these apps also offer you a freebie on your birthday too.


Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link.

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