8 Steps to Take if You Get Hit by a Driver as a Pedestrian or Cyclist

When most people think of the term “auto injury,” they usually think of something sustained in a car accident. The truth is an auto injury can be suffered anytime you are struck by a car, whether you are a pedestrian or a cyclist.

Being hit by a car, with or without the added protection of a vehicle of some sort, can be a very traumatic event. Not only can severe injuries be a part of the recovery, but there is also the whirlwind of emotions and confusion you suffer from as you try to sort out the confusion and uncertainty of your situation. Hopefully, you will never experience an auto injury but if you do, you will need a new lawyer. Until then, follow these steps if you get hit by a driver as a pedestrian or cyclist.

Don’t Lose Your Head

Anyone who has ever been involved in an accident knows the feeling: the mental anguish, confusion, and uncertainty. Despite this, however, it is critical that as soon as everything stops moving, that you gather your wits and keep your head straight. Understand that from the beginning of an accident there is a lot to attend to and how well that is done depends on you.

Make Sure You Are Out of Danger

Even if an accident has stopped moving, does not mean that it’s over. You could be in the middle of a road where other cars are still moving and present a danger to you and others. Regardless of the situation, make sure you are safe before you do anything else.

Make Sure You Have Not Been Harmed

Regardless of anything else, your physical well-being is the most important thing. If you are hurt, as soon as possible, get to an emergency room for care.

Get The Information You Need

If the police have not arrived, try as best as you can to get information from the other drivers. This includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and the name of their insurance carriers.

As Much as Possible, Don’t Let the Other Driver Leave

Do not engage the other driver, but as much as possible, do not physically restrain them to prevent them from leaving the scene. Try to get their contact information from them as well as the license number of the car they were driving.

Notify the Authorities

In most cases, emergency calls are taken by a central dispatch center. As a result, they will ask you for information about the accident to determine your needs, whether they be an ambulance, police, fire, etc.

Call Your Insurance Carrier

As soon as possible after the accident, you will need to contact your insurance carrier for further guidance. In many cases, this is just a procedural matter, but the sooner your carrier is aware of what has happened, the sooner they can begin working to render their services to you.

Contact a Lawyer

Many people are cautious to hire an attorney too soon after an accident has occurred. After all, who kn9ows if their services will really be needed? The truth is you never know, and the sooner an accident attorney can get involved in a case, the better prepared they will be if the need arises.


| Filed under Lifestyle

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