Project 365-Week 1

This year, I’m participating in Project 365, where I take photos every single day and share them on the blog each Sunday. One of my goals for this year is to take more photos of daily life, and Project 365 seemed like the perfect way to keep me motivated.

The first week of the new year arrived midweek which seemed to really throw me off track. I’ve not really known what day it is since Christmas day. I keep checking my planner just to make sure. It’s been quite a relaxed week with some sorting, decluttering and tidying mixed in.

1/365 January 1st

Indie and I enjoyed a very wet morning walk, I’ve never seen puddles so big. We had a lot of rain on New Year’s Eve which caused flooding locally.

2/365 January 2nd 

Thursday started with another morning dog walk, this time a frosty one. The sky was so blue and the sun was out which was lovely after a few grey days.

3/365 January 3rd

I’ve been swapping some of my evening scrolling with reading. I listen to a lot of audiobooks but haven’t been picking up physical books lately. I’m currently reading I Died On A Tuesday by Jane Corry that Anne from Raisie Bay sent me in a book swap organised by Jocelyn at The Reading Residence.

4/365 January 4th

We had planned to start New Year’s Day with a visit to Crosby Beach but the rain and flooding put paid to that. Instead, we saw that the weather was reasonable on Saturday morning, packed some lunch and drove to Crosby. The kids and I collected some sea glass and shells while Chris kept Indie occupied. The tide was coming in so some of the Antony Gormley Another Place statues were already submerged but this fellow stood tall.

Although it was chilly it wasn’t as cold as I had imagined it would be. We enjoyed our picnic in the car before heading home to bathe a very wet and sandy dog.

5/365 January 5th

The weather warnings for snow were indeed correct and I woke up to this beautiful sight on Sunday morning. Of course, I woke the kids up early so they could play outside before it started to melt. We never get a lot of snow and when we do it doesn’t last very long.

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| Filed under Lifestyle

9 thoughts on “Project 365-Week 1

  1. Yay! So lovely to see you joining in! I’ve been lost with the days since about the 20th of December. lol Hopefully now I will be back on track.
    It is so wet everywhere, I’ve just back from my dad’s and he has a small lake in one of his fields.
    Enjoy your book. The book swap sounds like a good idea.
    You had way more snow than we did and what we did have was too wet to do anything with. x

  2. These are great photo- a-day photos! I feel like starting today I will finally know what day it is since we are all starting back to our “normal” routines.

  3. Nice to see you joining in. Love your dog pictures. Nice to see you had some blue sky – it seems like it’s been neverending gloom here. There’s been lots of flooded roads and places near us too. Hopefully it’ll dry up like the forecast says the rest of the week.

  4. We saw an Anthony Gormley down in Margate once, very unique I like it.

    I had no idea there were places you could collect sea glass in the UK this would be a dream for my kids!

  5. Welcome to Project 365. I love the UK where you’re on the beach one day and it snows the next. Wish we lived nearer the sea. Hope you have a Happy 2025 and look forward to reading about your weekly adventures.

  6. Lovely to have you join in with #project365, Angela. Happy new year to you and your family. Lovely to have a trip to the beach and to get some snow. We hardly got any which was disappointing for the kids. Glad yours got to enjoy it before it started to melt. #project365

  7. I haven’t been on Crosby beach for a while, but I might visit it in the summer, now is too cold for that. The snow is lovely though, much more than we’ve had for the last few years.

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