Project 365-Week 9

Here we are in March already, it feels like the new year was just a couple of weeks ago! It’s been a nice week with lots of blue skies, I’m just waiting for spring to start now officially.

55/365 February 24th

On Monday morning, Indie and I took a different route on our walk as I had spotted some lovely purple crocus I wanted to photograph. Much to my delight, I found lots of Daffodils in bloom, too. I don’t know what it is about spring flowers; they just make me feel very happy when I spot them.

56/365 February 25th

I took another photo of my growing collection of Ladybird books for my Wednesday Hodgepodge blog post. I thought this photo would also be useful for when I’m in the charity shops to avoid buying duplicates. That didn’t work this weekend, though, as I totally forgot and bought two I already had!

57/365 February 26th

On Wednesday evening, we went to the newly refurbished Ikea restaurant. I was lucky and won a meal for us all from a local radio station. The food was lovely, as was the atmosphere. It was great to have no washing up to do when we got home. We each got a goody bag, too, which was a lovely surprise.

58/365 February 27th

This was the sky all day on Thursday, and it was glorious. It felt so nice to have the sun on my face while I walked Indie. I wish I had my sunglasses with me, though, as there was lots of squinting to be able to see.

59/365 February 28th

Friday felt like the perfect day for a chicken casserole. I do love the slow cooker but only really use it for casseroles and stews. I’m going to try and make more meals in it, maybe a curry or a pasta dish.

I spent most of today slowly pottering around, getting the end-of-month jobs done. My to-do (projects) list is shrinking, which is good.

60/365 March 1st

A quick Saturday morning charity shop haul; it might be the last one until the end of the month. Chris will be working some weekends this month, and as he is my chauffeur, I won’t be able to go as much. One of the charity shops had a special offer on, five books for £1, so I bought ten. What an absolute bargain! There were lots of titles on my wishlist, which was fantastic.

I found lots of Ladybird books, but I really should have used the photo of my collection as I did end up with some duplicates.

61/365 March 2nd

An early start for us today as Chris is working this afternoon. We went to the park this morning. The kids went on the swings and equipment while we took a nice, slow walk around the park. It was very busy so I think everyone had the same idea as us to get out early.

I’m going to spend the rest of the day pottering and setting up for the week ahead. I will also be enjoying a nap this afternoon.

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6 thoughts on “Project 365-Week 9

  1. I spotted so may daffodils when I was out today! A sure sign of spring!
    The food from Ikea looks so good.
    You have reminded me that I need to find my sunglasses. x

  2. I’m always impressed with your charity shops’ finds, you have got yourself another fab looking stash. And your Ladybird Books collection is growing. I made a list on Notes on my phone for the British Crime Classics series that I love so that I don’t buy the duplicates.
    Daffodils are so pretty, and agree with you on spring flowers gladdening the heart.
    I’ve never tried the famous Ikea meatballs, and feel like I’m missing something in life. 🙂 Sadly, all Ikeas are too far for me to travel just for the meatballs.

  3. Wow, those books are a bargain!! It is so lovely to see the daffodils everywhere now, finally a bit of colour

  4. So lovely to see daffodils in bloom. I love spring flowers too. Well done on winning the meal at IKEA – IKEA meatballs are the best! It has been lovely to have blue skies and sunshine. What a bargain on the books from the charity shop. #project365

  5. I use my slow cooker all the time. I see you’re using the bags, do they really save washing the pot? I need to venture further a field and try some new charity shops.

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