Word Of The Week-Frustrating

Although the word frustrating doesn’t sum up my entire week, it does play a large part. The frustrating moments have all been down to technology, mainly the printer. The rest of the week has actually been quite nice.

The frustrations started when Chris and I wanted to watch some on Disney+ at the weekend. I’m not a regular subscriber, but I will often sign up for a month so we can watch any new shows or films that have caught our attention.

We have a Freesat box that we use for streaming, but Disney+ isn’t included on it, so we have to either stream from the TV or via an ancient Roku box we have. This weekend, neither device wanted to comply. We tried everything from resetting to rebooting. I think the problem might be that the devices are a few years old and have become incompatible with the updates required to stream.

In the end, we gave up and watched something else. I’m not sure what the solution is at the moment.

The next frustration was the printer. Why are printers so evil? They never work properly when you need them to. This printer is less than a year old and has caused us nothing but problems since we bought it. I have some important paperwork that I needed to print off before a meeting at the weekend. Chris spent almost 3 hours trying all sorts of things to fix it and get to actually print, to no avail.

Customer support was useless, and communicating with them was even more frustrating than the issue itself.

In the end, we admitted defeat and bought a new printer, which actually worked straight away without a problem. We are waiting to hear if we can get a partial refund for the defective printer and ink; I’m not hopeful, though.

I know these frustrations are minor in the great scheme of things, but it’s surprising how irritated you can become with technology when it doesn’t work.

Anyway, that’s the maoning out of the way. The rest of the week has been pretty good. I’ve been feeling so much better this week health-wise; I’ve felt really focussed and much more motivated.

Daisy and Jake have both had a good week at school, things are ticking along nicely.

On Saturday, Daisy and I went to the library for an unplugged family event they were running. They had lots of games and puzzles set out; we played Junior Colour Brain and one called Think Words. Both games were really fun to play. We spent about an hour playing before choosing some books to take home.

While at the library, I saw a teacher from my older kids’ old primary school and had a lovely chat with her. It was so nice to catch up and chat about how well the older two are doing now that they are grown-ups.

Chris bought me some tulips to brighten up my day, I love the pink and purple combination. In the past, tulips have wilted really quickly, but these ones are holding up really well. Maybe it’s all the sunshine we’ve had this week.

I’m linking up with Anne from Raisie Bay for Word of the Week.

Word of the Week linky
| Filed under Lifestyle

One thought on “Word Of The Week-Frustrating

  1. Oh my – my printer has been incredibly evil this week. I have invested so much time – and money! – in trying to get it to print correctly and, yet, it still sits here. Doing nothing. Useless. Frustrated is a perfect word. Sums up my opinion with this printer exactly! Here’s to a less frustrating weekend. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier…and taking the time to comment. Always enjoy that! Happy weekend to you!

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