Word of the Week – Migraine

It’s not a great word to have to use to sum up my week but migraine is pretty accurate. I only started suffering with migraines in the last couple of years. I think I’ve managed to narrow the trigger down as I’ve noticed they come on during or after periods of stress.

The past few weeks have been incredibly stressful so when I started getting daily headaches last week I did wonder if a migraine was on its way too. I usually get other little warning signals like changes in my vision, a twitching eyelid and nausea. On Saturday I didn’t feel quite right and on Sunday I woke with the most tremendous headache and foggy feeling. I knew I wasn’t myself when I couldn’t even face my morning coffee.

My husband Chris sent me straight back up to bed where I remained for the rest of the day. Sleep was going to be the only thing that would help. Little did I know that this would be a migraine like no other I had suffered before.

By the time the evening arrived I was feeling a bit better, I still had nausea and a slight headache though. Once the kids were in bed I got up and went downstairs to have some toast and to watch some TV. Despite spending the day in and out of sleep I still felt shattered so I went back to bed.

That night I had one of the most frightening experiences of my life. I woke around 1 am shivering uncontrollably. Feeling hot and cold at the same time and my whole body was shuddering.

I woke Chris as I was really worried, I managed to take some really deep breaths which thankfully slowed the shivering down. Putting a jumper over my pyjamas and another duvet on the bed, I eventually fell back to sleep. The next morning I woke with a blinding headache and feeling absolutely drained.

I did wonder if the shivering episode had been brought on by low blood sugar or dehydration. I’d barely had anything to eat or drink on the Sunday. I have diabetes so my blood sugar levels are often unstable. Looking at the information for migraines shows that the shivering could also be a symptom so I’m not sure really.

I had to get on with the day the best I could on Monday. I took pain killers at regular intervals and drank litres and litres of water to stay hydrated. Thankfully Chris was back from work in time to collect the kids. He sent me straight back to bed and proceeded to wait on me hand and foot which was nice. He brought me some sports drinks and made sure I had a something to eat.

I slept like a log that night and woke headache free but still feeling a bit wobbly. If there’s such thing as a migraine hangover then I had it.

I don’t think I ever appreciated how powerful a migraine can be.

The Reading Residence


15 thoughts on “Word of the Week – Migraine

  1. Oh Poor you, migraines really are the pits. I’m glad Chris was so helpful. There is such a thing as a migraine hangover, I get them too. I had migraines for many years, just like you explained, they put me out for a couple of days each time. I always said mine where hormone related because I’d get one straight after a period, so one a month. I’m now menopausal and I’ve only had about 3 migraines in the past 18 months, so I guess I was right. What I get now, thanks to my illness, is trigonemal neuralgia, which is like a migraine in the face! Thankfully they only last about an hour and no symptoms afterwards.
    Anyway, I hope your weekend is stress free and pain free xx

  2. I hate migraines especially waking up with them, glad you feel better, nothing like getting a good night sleep X #wotw

  3. That must have been horrible.. I really hope you are feeling better now or that you will do very soon. Take care x

  4. Oh I’ve had migraines before. I’m not sure about generally but I’m convinced mine were brought on by high blood pressure. They’re really not nice are they. I hope you don’t have another for a good while, if at all! #wotw

  5. Migraines are horrible enough but the shivering sounds awful. A migraine hangover is never nice either. I suffer with them occasionally and sleep is the only thing that ever helps. I hope you don’t get any more migraines like the one you had last week x #WotW

  6. Sorry to hear you suffer too Claire. I can’t take any type of contraceptive pill but will definitely be looking in to medication if they continue. x

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