Word Of The Week-Revision

I think that the perfect word for this week is revision. Daisy and Jake have both been having tests and assessments at school so some of their time has been spent revising.

Daisy has had mid-year assessments to determine her sets for year 9. I’m so proud of how she’s organised her revision herself, making notes and flashcards. Chris has been helping her in the evenings by asking her questions from the flashcards. I think being so organised has meant that she hasn’t felt stressed about the assessments.

She has already had some of the results back and she’s done really well. Although we do remind her about homework and revision occasionally, we think it’s important that she takes the majority of the responsibility for herself.

Jake has been having weekly spelling tests and the words are definitely becoming more tricky. He has been using Spelling Shed to help with his revision.

There will be more revision in the future for him too. I think he’s bringing some maths workbooks home soon in preparation for SATS later this year.

Thankfully both kids take revision in their stride and don’t get stressed about it. They know all they have to do is their best and that’s good enough.

The rest of the week has been fairly quiet, I’ve got plenty of rest but also managed to tick some things off my to-do list.

We’ve really been enjoying watching the final episodes of The Traitors it’s been so good this season. I’m going to be sad after it ends tonight. I predict that the faithful will win this time.

How has your week been? If you have kids do they have tests or exams coming up?

I’m linking up with Anne from Raisie Bay for Word of the Week.

Word of the Week linky
| Filed under Lifestyle

9 thoughts on “Word Of The Week-Revision

  1. Well done to the kids with their revision! It sounds like Daisy is being so mature and organised. You must be so proud of them both.
    I am so excited to see The Traitors final tonight. It’s the first series I’ve watched so it was all new to me, I might have to go back and watch the previous couple of series. x

  2. Well done to your kids for having things in control with regard to their studies. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the series of the Traitors so far. I didn’t somehow want Leanne to get any of that money though. My bet was on Minah and then on Charlotte. I have started on the US series (same castle) and so far it is a whole lot of fun. Have a good week ahead.

  3. Well done both on their revision. My kids were really bad, despite my best attempts. They did get extra help at school. I only have one at school now and he works hard and is doing well so I’m hoping he will be okay come exam time…he won’t be revising at home but he will get extra help at school.

  4. Well done to your kids for organising themselves. I have never watched the Traitors.. I must be the only person who hasn’t! LOL!

  5. Well done to Daisy for being so organised with her revision and glad that she’s done well too. It’s good that she and Jake both take revision in their stride and don’t get stressed with it. Glad you’ve managed to get plenty of rest as well as ticking things off the to-do list. Sounds like you’ve all had the right balance with things. #WotW

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