Word Of The Week-Ready

At last it’s Friday, the kids will soon finish school, Chris will finish work and we are all more than ready for the break. I can’t wait to start the Christmas holidays properly, I feel like I’ve been in some sort of limbo state this week.

The kids are ready for a slower pace, getting them ready for school this week has been a nightmare. Everyone has been tired and grumpy, festive goodwill has certainly been lacking lately at our house. I think it’s a mixture of being excited for Christmas and exhausted from all the activities and events of the past few months.

I’m ready to spend some quality time together as a family without any distractions. We have a quiet and relaxing Christmas planned and I can’t wait. We plan to watch movies, eat until we pop and play games.

Another thing I’m ready for is the new year, I can’t wait to write in my fresh new planners. Making plans for 2018 will be on the agenda as soon as the festivities end.

I’ve finished work and for now my laptop will get a well-earned rest. All that’s left for me to do is to wish you all a Merry Christmas. No matter how or if you celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful time.

You might enjoy my previous word of the week post, Music.


7 thoughts on “Word Of The Week-Ready

  1. Our households sound so similar! My kids are tired and we’re all in need of a few days of relaxing, watching movies, playing games and of course, snacking! I pick them up in an hour and I am ready! Hope you all have a lovely Christmas x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Ahh! My two broke up from school today too, we are all tired and are ready for a break…It sounds like you have a great Christmas planned. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time x

  3. Yay to breaking up, I feel you with the exhaustion. Sounds like a perfect way to enjoy the festive season. Merry Christmas to you and your family X #wotw

  4. I am excited in starting to write in my new planner too! Hope you will have a nice Christmas =) #wotw

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