Project 365-Week 2

I’m so pleased that I remembered to take a photo every single day this past week. When I decided to take part in Project 365 I did worry that I might forget some days. This week has been all about snow as we’ve had lots of it and getting back to into routines as the kids went back to school.

6/365 January 6th

On Monday I walked Indie down our local brook and was quite shocked to see how high the water had risen. We had a lot of rain before the snow came but I didn’t realise quite how much. I’ve lived here for 13 years and have never seen it this high before.

7/365 January 7th

A very frosty selfie for Tuesday. We got a lot of snow overnight and woke to everything looking very wintery. It started to snow while I was walking and I saw a rainbow which was just amazing. I didn’t even know there could be rainbows and snow at the same time.

8/365 January 8th

As the temperatures dropped below freezing I decided on a home day today. Indie spent lots of time looking out of the window, she loves to see what’s going on. I caught up with some blog admin and spent time entering lots of competitions.

9/365 January 9th

Another day was spent inside keeping nice and warm. The poor kids and Chris had to navigate the ice and snow to go to work and school. I made sure the house was warm and cosy for them to come home to. I’m loving reading A Poem For Every Day Of The Year, it’s quickly become part of my daily routine.

10/365 January 10th

Everywhere looked absolutely beautiful on Friday, this type of feathery frost on this tree is called hoar frost. It’s so delicate and easily crumbles when touched. It was a real picture of a winter wonderland out there today.

11/365 January 11th

On Saturday morning I did my absolute favourite thing to do which is look for treasures at the charity shops. I was itching to visit as I hadn’t been since a week or so before Christmas. I’m really into vintage games and Ladybird books at the moment and today’s haul didn’t disappoint. I just need to find homes for it all now.

12/365 January 12th

My mornings always start off with my gratitude journal and my only caffeinated coffee of the day. There has been so much to be grateful for this week. My thoughts have been with those who have lost their lives and homes in the LA fires and those in the UK who haven’t had a warm safe place to sleep during this wintery weather.

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18 thoughts on “Project 365-Week 2

  1. I haven’t been doing Project 365 for a while, and looking at your blog name, thought, oh, someone new to me. Looked at the photos, and realised I know you and follow on Insta. 🙂
    The frosty branch looks amazingly beautiful. I don’t think I’ve seen a rainbow and snow combination ever, it must be special.
    Your charity shop stash looks impressive. I bought Maggie O’Farrell’s a while ago, and still haven’t had a chance to read it, but it’s on my TBR list.

    1. Hi Galina, I do know you from Instagram! did you use to enter competitions sometimes? I think that might be how we were following each other.
      I really like the synopsis of the Maggie O’Farrell book so I think I’m going to earmark it as a February read.

  2. Crikey those games really are vintage. They’re older versions than the ones we had in the late 80s/90s of them. Nice to see a ‘snowbow’. I’m presuming it was that rather than rain?

    1. I love finding vintage games, I love cleaning them up sorting them out and then of course playing them with the family.
      I like that ‘snowbow’ it’s a perfect way to describe it.

  3. That is a lot of water in the brook. It has been so cold and wet. I am so over this weather now. Staying at home is a good idea.
    What a great haul from the charity shops! x

  4. The weather has gone mad hasn’t it?! And that brook does look high. The canal outside ours has been frozen over for a week now.
    Lovely selfie, pretty lady! 🙂
    Oh, I love your charity shop haul. I remember those games and I love the old Ladybird books too. x

  5. Thanks, Jayne that’s a lovely compliment I’m trying to take more photos of myself this year.
    You know it’s gone silly cold when canals start freezing over, I feel sorry for all the people who live on barges this week.

  6. It looks cold there. I don’t think I could do the 365 project – I’d never remember to take a photo daily. Have a great week! #MMBC

  7. Your snowy photos are lovely! We rarely get hoar frost here but gosh I just love frosty/icy pictures when you can see the crystals. We took a few icy/snowy photos of our own today when we were out hiking.

  8. I love snow but it’s not so nice having to navigate it to get to work and school. Those water levels in the brook are high. I hope they’re starting to come down again. The hoar frost on the tree is so pretty. I love your charity shop haul. Sophie got Kids Against Maturity for Christmas and we’ve had some fun games. #project365

    1. I’ve never seen the brook that high before thankfully it’s back to normal levels now. I was so pleased to find that game at the charity shop it was on our wishlist.

  9. That is a good charity shop haul. I’m only familiar with George Herberts Metaphysical poetry, that frost looks amazing, you wouldn’t think it was so brittle. I do my best blogging, writing and reading with a coffee first thing in the morning.

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