Every Friday I share five frugal things I’ve done to save or make money. I believe that a frugal lifestyle is an individual thing and there is no right or wrong way of going about it. From the smallest of savings to the greatest, it all adds up and contributes to living the life we want for less.
Five Frugal Things
1 ) Using some vouchers that I had from doing various market research tasks we went to the cinema and Pizza Hut. Thanks to the vouchers we only paid £20 out of pocket which I class as a frugal day out.
2) A fair few samples have arrived in the mail this week, I love the perfume ones as they feel like a real treat. I find the more samples you apply for the more they appear on your social media timelines.
I also used the Shopmium app to get some free drinks from the supermarket.
3) Thanks to a win earlier in the year I spent a lovely day and night at Champneys Spa and hotel totally free. The whole break should have cost £500 which totally blows my mind. As I always say entering competitions is the best frugal hobby you can have.
4) There has been lots of free fun this week too. A forest visit, some baking and lots of time in the paddling pool.
5) Finances for the last quarter of the year have been gone through with a fine tooth comb. I can clearly see areas we need to cut back on spending and all our spreadsheets are up to date. I find this the best way to keep on track with our spending goals.