Blog On is a conference especially for bloggers. It’s held at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester and I’ve been lucky enough to attend twice now. This year’s conference is almost here so I thought it was time to answer some ice breaker questions.
Although I’ve been twice it’s still a nerve wracking business wondering who’s who and where they blog. Ice breaker questions are a brilliant way to get know fellow attendees and make it all seem a little less daunting. Last year I arrived alone and tweeted to see if anyone would like to meet up. Thankfully they did and I met some lovely people I wouldn’t have otherwise known.
So here goes.
Share a recent picture of you
This is my most recent head shot. I might wear my hair down on the day depending on how it behaves in the morning.
Describe yourself in three words
Honest, Loving and Resourceful.
How long have you been blogging and what made you start?
In June I will have been blogging for 4 years on and off. I originally wanted to share the things I was doing to bring in a little extra income for our family. I soon realised wanted to have somewhere to document our family life and be able to connect with others at the same time. I’m rubbish at making friends in real life but found I could easily connect with people virtually.
What was the inspiration behind your blog name?
I had a YouTube channel called Wonderland Freebies before I started the blog and wanted to keep the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme alive I suppose. I have had some regrets about the name over the years but not any more. I was once asked by a fellow blogger where ‘Websterland’ was I replied “at my house” it gave me a good giggle.
What is the best thing to come from your blog so far?
The best thing is that blogging has pushed me right out of my comfort zone. I’m by nature an introvert and I definitely have hermit tendencies. Blogging has made me get out and meet people and face my social anxieties. It’s given me a voice, confidence and a strength I never knew I had.
Your most remembered thing from your childhood
Without a doubt it’s my Nan’s house. As well as it being my safe place it was full of ornaments and knick knacks. As you can image to a child it was like Aladdin’s cave, there was always something to look at.
Something interesting you might not know about me is . . .
I still have 3 of my baby teeth. My adult teeth never descended and I’ve seen them on several x-rays. Dreading the day they fall out.
Which social media platform best describes your personality and why?
Definitely Twitter because it’s as fast moving and scatty as my brain.
What is your happy song?
It’s a really cheesy one, it’s ‘Feels like I’m in love’ by Kelly Marie. I not usually a dancer but when that tune comes on I can’t help but get up and shake my stuff. The music just makes me feel so happy.
What is your favourite alcoholic drink
I don’t drink that often nowadays but it used to be a ‘Red Witch’ which is a mixture of Pernod, blackcurrant and cider.
What is your favourite cake?
Tough choice, it’s a toss up between Black Forest Gateaux and Bakewell Tart (if they can be classed as cakes).
What is your favourite takeaway dish?
Sweet & Sour chicken with fried rice, that’s so boring isn’t it. Every time I try something different I end up wishing I had ordered that instead.
Where is your dream holiday destination and why?
Hawaii because of the waves, the sky, the ocean, the mountains I could go on and on.
What would your superhero name be?
The Multi-tasking Marvel because I’m shit hot at completing 20 different tasks at once.
If you had a magical power, would you want to have and why?
Mind control, just imagine being able to get your kids to play nice and give you a minutes peace all with the power of thought.
What one weapon would help you survive a zombie apocalypse?
I refuse to answer this one as I’m petrified of the ‘Z’ word.
If you could send something into space, what would it be?
The Kardashian’s maybe or celery I dislike they both as much as the other.
What would you have on your gravestone?
‘I hope there’s Wi-Fi where I’m going’
You make headline news around the world in 2 years time… but for what reason?
Getting rid of the Kardashian’s by zooming them off into space perhaps ?
If an EMP wiped out all mechanical forms of transport, how would you get to BlogOn?
I don’t live that far from Manchester so I would borrow a push bike and cycle my way there.
I really enjoyed writing that and I can’t wait to meet you all there.
mind control what a great magical power that would be! see you at BlogOn!
Loved reading your Ice Breaker. Idont like the word Z****e either. See you on Sunday
I second getting rid of the Kardashians! I have the world’s worst memory for names and faces and rely on the fact that I’m at least quite easy to pick out in a sea of faces, so if I look blankly at you on Sunday, I’m not being rude – just scatty! 🙂