I forgot to include one of my prizes in last week’s look in my letterbox so I think I will mention that first. After entering every competition I won tickets to Winter Wonderland in Manchester. You can read all about our visit in my Word of the Week post.
Here’s what arrived this week.
PrizesDecember is advent competition season and although I’ve not entered as many as usual I’ve still won a few. I won this In the Night Garden Live calendar in their instant win competition. I won one last year as well so this will be taking its place in 2017.
I won this cute little hot chocolate stick from the Mint Velvet Advent competition.
Jake and Daisy were very happy when these prizes arrived. I won this Teletubbies Tubby Snowball DVD from Confessions from a Crummy Mummy blog.
FreebiesA handy little desktop calendar arrived from Jack Daniels. They often send nice little freebies throughout the year. There are also competitions to enter that are exclusive to mailing list subscribers.
Secret Santa
I took part in two online Secret Santa exchanges this year and they both arrived this week.
I jokingly asked for Tom Hardy on my Secret Santa wish list and this beauty arrived. I won’t describe to you my excitement upon opening, I will spare you the details.
Reviews Look out in the new year for a review of these new McVitie’s Digestives To Go. It’s a tough job being sent biscuits to try but someone has to do it.