What better way to start the new year than sharing my goals and plans for 2025? I always like to have goals to work towards it keeps me focused and motivated. I’m never too rigid about reaching my goals, if I do that’s great but if I don’t then they weren’t the right ones for me.
I am a planner by nature, I thrive on being organised and having something to work towards. Here are my goals and plans for 2025.
As I get older, I find myself wanting to connect with people in a way that I haven’t felt the need to before. I don’t find making and sustaining friendships easy; I never have. I’m friendly and approachable, and I can have a conversation with anyone about anything. Despite this, I don’t have many actual friends.
This year I want to meet new people and make friends, whether that’s in real life or virtually I don’t mind. I have a few ideas on how to do this online but I’m not sure how I’m going to do this in real life. I plan to do some research and see if there are any groups I can join locally.
Last year I worked really hard on my mental health with great results and this year I plan to continue. Pacing has been really helpful and having therapy has given me lots of valuable tools. This year I want to learn how to meditate properly and return to a CBT programme that I started but didn’t finish.
My physical health is going to be my main priority this year. I’ve already made huge progress in the last year but I want to focus even more on it. I have some conditions like Ulcerative Colitis and Chronic Fatigue that can limit what I can do some days but I’m determined not to let this rule my life. There are still things I can do on the good days. I want to focus on strength and muscle building and already have some gentle exercise videos saved on my YouTube playlist.
I’m going to deliberately learn as much as I can this year, that sounds like a very broad goal, doesn’t it? What I mean is that I’m going to take every learning opportunity I can. If I want to know how to fix something or find out how something works then I’m going to learn. If something catches my interest then I’m going to research it, if someone asks me a question that I can’t answer then I’m going to look it up and learn about it.
I’m going to swap some of the mindless TV shows I watch for quiz shows and include a few non-fiction books in my reading pile each month.
Picking up blogging again in October was one of the best decisions I made last year. I started my blog in 2013, it’s gone through lots of changes and niches and I’ve even abandoned it a few times. When I decided to start blogging again it was without any of the pressure I’ve felt in the past. It’s now about sharing whatever I want without overthinking. If some nice opportunities present themselves through blogging as they have in the past then that’s good but if they don’t it’s no big deal.
I’m going to continue sharing my life, documenting memories and writing about whatever takes my fancy. I want to join in with lots more link parties this year and connect with other bloggers.
I am by nature a kind person but the one person I’ve sometimes not been kind to is myself. This year I’m going to be kinder to myself, I’m going to give myself as much love, encouragement and patience as I do to other people.
I’m also going to make some changes to our gardens so that’s it a kinder place for wildlife, insects and birds to be. I am not exactly sure what this looks like yet but I’m going to do some research and find out.
I think my goals and plans are all achievable and I can’t wait to look back on this blog post at the start of 2026 and see how well I did.
Do you have any goals or plans for 2025? I would love to hear about them.
Ahh! I am the same when it comes to making friends, I think the older we get the harder it becomes. Good luck with your health goals and learning everything! It sounds like a great plan just to learn as much as you can! I think I am going to go into the year with the same mindset.
Wishing you all the best for 2025. x