Project 365-Week 11

It’s been a pretty good week, apart from a few frustrations, thanks to technology, namely a printer. The sky has been blue, and I’ve felt well. It feels like spring is well on its way.


Chris bought me these gorgeous tulips, I love the purple and pink combination. I love having flowers in the kitchen.


I took a photo of part of my bookcases for my Wednesday Hodgepodge post in answer to something that would make life boring if we didn’t have. Of course, I chose books. I have five book cases in total, but not all of them are full yet. I am a book collector as well as a reader. This week, I finished two books, one I enjoyed and the other not so much.


On Wednesday, I finished this jigsaw. I love having a jigsaw on the go to do in between working, but I get obsessed with it and want to finish it as quickly as possible. This one took me just under a week as I paced myself. Now to choose another one.


This is Mo enjoying the warmth of the radiator on Thursday morning. He’s doing really well at the moment and is responding well to his medication. I’m grateful for every day that he’s comfortable, even if he does want me to get up at 3 am every morning.


Friday morning’s sky was so beautiful; what a sight to start the day with. I usually wake up at 6 am and let Indie out, and I always take a few minutes to appreciate the sky and trees no matter what the weather.


A nice charity shop haul today; there’s nothing I love more than a Saturday morning rummage. I was so happy to find some vintage Ladybird books to add to my collection. I also picked up Cards Against Star Wars. We were going to play as a family this evening before I read some of the cards; it’s definitely not suitable for kids! Chris and I will have great fun playing it, though.


I took Jake to Hobbycraft this morning as he wanted to buy some things to make me a Mother’s Day gift. He chose the things in the photo above, I wonder what he’s making me. Whatever it is, I will love it, I’m sure.

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| Filed under Lifestyle

8 thoughts on “Project 365-Week 11

  1. What a lovely week and I’m so glad you have felt well. It makes all the difference when we get a bit of sunshine, though, doesn’t it?
    Your tulips look beautiful. I love flowers in the house, they are so cheery.
    I love all of your books you have on display. I agree, it would be very boring without books.
    Glad Mo is responding to his meds, it’s a worry when they are poorly. He looks super cosy there!
    How thoughtful of Jake to have gotten some craft supplies for your Mother’s Day surprise. Can’t wait to see what he makes you. 🙂 xx

  2. Even with the hailstones and sleet it has still felt like spring is on it’s way.
    What pretty tulips and your bookshelf is so nice to look at!
    I am glad Mo is doing well and what a fab haul from the charity shop. x

  3. I love tulips although I never seem to be able to mine to open up, I think my lounge is too cold. You have some good books there

  4. I’ve got tulips in the kitchen at the moment too. I love having flowers. I miss having a big bookcase of books, but as I don’t reread books and mainly read on kindle I got rid.

  5. That tulips picture is gorgeous, it just screams spring! I love tulips too, especially in the wild.
    Agree with you on the books, can’t live without them. I always love looking at your new stash of books and things. I read another book by Andrea Mara recently, The sleeper lies, and thought it was pretty good, I couldn’t stop reading it.
    The crafts project looks promising, hope you will show the result when you get your gift.

  6. Those tulips are so pretty. I love having fresh flowers in the house. Love the bookcase photo and the photo of Mo. Glad he is responding well to the medication. How lovely that Jake is making your Mother’s Day present. #project365

  7. That’s a lot of books, do you keep them all or swop them out. I have books coming and going all the time with friends at work and family members there’s always at least 50 to be read at any time. I do have a collection of books I keep though, but nowhere near as many as you have. Looking forward to seeing your mother’s day gift.

    1. I do keep the majority of them but often have a sort out to make room for new ones. I doubt I will ever get around to reading them all but they make me so happy , I’m never stuck for choice.

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