Word Of The Week – Cleaning

Spring, despite the snow finally seems to be making an appearance albeit slowly. This time of year always puts me in the mood for cleaning. There’s nothing like opening the windows and airing the rooms after the stuffiness of winter. This week I’ve been clearing the clutter and deep cleaning the house.

I spent the whole day on Wednesday clearing all the clutter from downstairs. I couldn’t believe the amount of rubbish I found lurking in the cupboards and drawers. I’m a pretty organised person but no matter what I do the clutter always creeps back in. It felt so good to scrub out all the cupboards and wipe down the skirting boards and walls.

I did attempt to do some of the upstairs but had to call it a day as I was absolutely shattered. With the nursery closed on Thursday and nothing to interrupt me except a small boy I cracked on with the bedrooms. Again I was amazed at the amount of rubbish and clutter I found in the bedrooms. I think I might need a new clutter clearing routine as something had definitely gone wrong somewhere. I’m usually a stickler for the rule that when something new comes in something old has to leave.

Once the upstairs was clutter free I ran out of energy and time to be able to deep clean. At least now I can just get on with the cleaning without having to move lots of piles around.

The house looks and feels so much better already and plans are underway to refresh the paint work. All we need now is a little sunshine and some fresh Spring air.

My tip, along with lots other bloggers was kindly included on Motherhood The Real Deal this week. There are lots of ideas and tips for clearing the clutter so do pop across and have a read if you’re in the mood for a clear out.

You might enjoy my previous word of the week post, Books.



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11 thoughts on “Word Of The Week – Cleaning

  1. My house is so in need of a good clear out and I’m frustrated at not being able to do it just yet. I have made a small start but there is so much more to do. I’ll get there eventually! I hope you can sit back and relax a bit this weekend now x

  2. I love having a good blitz on the house but don’t always have time. It is surprising how much unnecessary clutter you can find isn’t it? #wotw

  3. When you start it is amazing how much clutter and rubbish there is. When we changed the living and dining room around a few weeks ago we threw out so much and sent bags to the charity shop….I really need to start on the kitchen. Eek! #WotW

  4. It has been lovely to finally be able to open the windows for fresh air. I do love a good clean X #wotw

  5. Decluttering is the best feeling in the world. I have just done all the rooms in our house before baby arrives and it feels so good. I try to do it every six months. Well done. Hope you have a great Mother’s Day weekend.

  6. What a lovely feeling it must be to get it all done. I know I need to do this too. I might go for a room a day. I don’t think I could tackle so much as you’ve been doing. Have a good week. #wotw

  7. I love a good decluttering session and I really need to get in our playroom as Katie is such a hoarder. I did manage to get her on board a few weeks ago by getting rid of one thing from her bedroom each night, though that has gone by the wayside. I want to repaint our bedroom at Easter as it really needs a refresh (think we last painted it about 12 years ago) x

  8. Go you – when you get that spring cleaning feeling & motivation, little will stop you from decluttering and scrubbing away… I just need to find that motivation myself. Ha! #WotW

  9. Decluttering is so therapeutic and it is lovely to have a deep clean after winter. My house is in desperate need of some decluttering – it’s on my list of things to do when I get a decent chunk of time to tackle it! #WotW

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