This week I’ve found myself feeling quite lost. I thought that once the kids were back at school I would fall easily into a work routine. Instead, I’ve been that stressed about what I should actually be doing that I’ve given myself a raging tension headache and anxiety.
Isn’t it funny how sometimes you get what you have been waiting for so long, then all of a sudden you don’t know what on earth to do with it. That has definitely been me this week.
I didn’t account for how I would adjust to the change and it’s hit me like a ton of bricks. It seems so silly but the empty house, the quietness and the change in routine have left me feeling lost. I think I should have taken a planned week off instead of the forced one I’ve ended up taking.
Trying to carry on despite the blinding headache and neck pain only served to make me feel worse. I finally gave in and decided that I needed to give myself some time. Taking myself off to bed yesterday and staying there until my head felt clear has done wonders.
Over the weekend I’m going to make myself a work schedule, without one I find myself bouncing from one thing to another. I want to be more productive so that I feel like I’ve used my time well. A schedule will hopefully also mean that I can switch off when I need to, although I might be kidding myself about that I am self-employed after all.
On a more positive note the kids are really enjoying school and have both settled so well. They come home exhausted but happy and give the best cuddles that make me feel anything but lost.
You might enjoy my previous word of the week post, School.
Ah, Angela – I can totally relate to that lost feeling… Although I don’t work, so I’m left feeling like, well what do I do with myself now, once Alexander has hopped off to school. I’m very much someone who likes to be productive and have a focus, with obviously Alexander being my focus all day long prior to full time school. I’m thinking of trying to do some volunteering of some sort, to help me with that.
Sorry to hear it got to quite a stressful point – with your pains – before acknowledging & practicing some self care, but happy to hear you are on a good track moving forward now. I’m all about routine, as I believe you are from previous posts & conversations, so I think setting a schedule for yourself will be quite helpful.
A lovely weekend to you and your family.
Thanks for your lovely comment Jade, I certainly am all about the routine and I think I definitely struggle to adapt to a new one sometimes. Volunteering sounds like a great idea for you or getting out and taking more of those lovely photo’s you take x
Sorry you’ve been feeling this way, sometimes it is so hard to adjust to what is a major change in your life. I’m glad you managed to free yourself from your headache, that’s a relief. I hope next week is much happier, at least you won’t have to worry about the kids, they sound happy enough. x
Thanks Anne, I don’t think I realised how the change would affect me at all x
I can totally relate to this. Like you I made a work schedule a couple of days ago, to help me to keep focus and ensure I’m not randomly moving from one thing to the next. You’re so right to take time out like this, though. I hope next week’s better x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
Thanks Jocelyn, it’s hard to be disciplined when you work from home isn’t it x
I’m glad they are both happy at school. I know what you mean about the quiet. It is almost deafening at first. I hope you find your rhythm again. I work from home. Reading around, I think it is fairly common that some weeks are more productive than others . I know I find it. I’m sure next week for you will be a whole different ball game. Have a good weekend. #wotw
Thanks Cheryl, I always worry on the slow weeks that it won’t pick back up again but it always does x
I am sure in time you will find a routine which works for you! Having all the kids at school takes some getting used to.
I am glad you are feeling better and the the headache has eased. Good luck with making a work schedule. That’s great that the kids are enjoying school x #WotW
Thanks Kim, it’s certainly a learning curve x
So lovely to hear about your kids settling well in school!
I felt he same this week. Looking back I havent really finished any chores that I set this Monday.
Hopefully you will that rhythm nest week.
Thanks Merlinda, hopefully a schedule will help x
It is a strange feeling when kids have gone to school,going take tien to adjust the change. I am glad your kids are settling in at school X #wotw
It is an odd feeling isn’t it! I think if I worked from home I’d need a schedule or I’d never do anything LOL! but I do have a plan for all my spare time.. unfortunately it involves a massive amount of housework but needs must as they say!
Sorry to hear that you’ve struggled with feeling lost and tension headaches are horrible things. Hope that making a work schedule has helped make this week a little easier x #WotW