Sometimes, it’s really hard to think of a word that sums up the whole week, especially when nothing much has happened. It’s been a really quiet week, so I’ve gone with the word watching, as that’s what I’ve spent the most time doing. I had big plans to get lots done and be really productive this month, but the first week has been a flop. I’m still not feeling 100% well, so instead of fighting it, I’ve just decided to give in, sit on my bum and enjoy watching some TV shows.
Catching Up
I never watch live TV, so I often miss lots of the new shows that are on. I’ve spent some time this week watching and catching up. Channel 4 has some great box sets available if you don’t mind the adverts. I’ve been watching Misfits, which I can’t believe I’ve never seen before. I’ve also watched all of Deadwater Fell with David Tennent, which was really good, and I recommend it if you like crime thrillers.
I’ve been eagerly watching out for the first signs of Spring while walking the kids to and from school but have yet to spot anything. There are usually the first buds appearing on the blossom trees by now and the odd daffodil or two trying to poke through. Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places, as I have seen lots of people posting photos of Snowdrops, daffodils, and blossoms on Instagram this week.
One thing I have noticed and have enjoyed watching is the earlier sunrise this past week. The mornings are finally getting lighter as are the evenings. There have been some amazing pinks, purples, and oranges to enjoy in the sky.
Last weekend we looked after our little niece and nephew while their parents went for a nice meal together. It’s always a pleasure watching the kids play together with their cousins. Daisy is a fair bit older than them, but she’s so nurturing, and it’s lovely seeing that side of her coming out.
In Other News
I got a very welcome text this week from the diabetic nurse. My tests have come back negative for type 1 diabetes, which is great news. I’ve still got a lot of work to do on managing my blood sugars, and I’m hoping that by the time my yearly review is due, they are a lot lower.
Good on you for having lazy week. Sometimes we need to just sit on our bums.
Deadwater Fell is on my list of things to watch, eventually.
I have noticed things starting to grow in my garden. Spring does seem to be coming slowly. x
Good news on your diabetes results x I want to watch Deadwater Fell, I love David Tennant (I met him once!) I really should get around to it but I’m totally addicted to The Good Place at the moment. x
Good news on your results. I bet it had been hanging over you. I think we all need quiet weeks and catching up is no bad thing. We have snowdrops out, but not daffodils. Celandines are just starting too, on the warmer side of our lane. Hope you have a good week. #wotw