Project 365-Week 6

That’s the first full week of February done and dusted, it feels like the month is flying by already. It has been a nice quiet week but one where I’ve made progress on some of my projects.

34/365 February 3rd

Monday morning started off with a beautiful blue sky. You can’t really ask for a better start to the week. I had a lovely walk with Indie before heading home to do some cleaning.

35/365 February 4th

I decided to multi-task on Tuesday while cooking tea, I really want to finish the book I’m reading. It’s not a long book by any means but the chapters are long and the subject heavy so it requires concentration.

36/365 February 5th

There’s a garden I pass frequently on my walks with Indie and they have the most beautiful plants and shrubbery. I was delighted to see these pretty pink flowers blooming. Google Lens was my friend and told me that it was Camelia.

37/365 February 6th 

On Thursday afternoon I cycled over to the dentist for a check-up. The actual check-up took less than 5 minutes but I spent the time in the waiting room deleting duplicate photos from my phone. I do like to do something productive when waiting for appointments.

38/365 February 7th

Indie and I went on the field near the brook for our walk today, it was still quite muddy to my surprise. This tree is the kid’s favourite, it leans slightly towards the brook making it the perfect height for them to climb.

39/365 February 8th

I spent Saturday morning visiting several charity shops, which is my favourite thing to do on a weekend. Jake broke his glasses so we went to town first to see if they could be repaired I thought I would try some of the charity shops while I was there. I bought a few books but found the prices to be a lot higher than those of the shops I usually visit. On the way home I called in at my favourite charity shops and found a few bits and pieces. Daisy wanted some buttons for her craft projects and I found a few bags of assorted ones for 50p.

40/365 February 9th 

A nice Sunday morning walk with Indie and Jake. I asked Jake to take a photo of me and Indie as I don’t have many of us together. We took a different route today and spotted lots of catkins growing, another sign that spring is on it’s way.

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6 thoughts on “Project 365-Week 6

  1. It has been nice to see some blue skies this week.
    Good idea with the reading whiile cooking tea and being productive while waiting for you dentist appointment.
    I love seeing what you have bought from the charity shops. x

  2. Oh I love seeing catkins, they’re nowhere near ready on the trees near us. The dentist always takes longer sitting in the waiting room and checking in than it does actually in the chair! Nice pickings from the charity shops.

  3. The camellia looks beautiful, it is so nice to see flowers starting to emerge. I had dentist this week to – sadly lots of scraping for me

  4. I’ve not read a book this year, although I have 3 on the go because I keep forgetting where I’ve left them. I’ve not had a good mooch in a charity shop for ages. Lovely to see signs of spring, I’m fed up with the dark mornings now.

  5. A bit of the blue sky gladdens the heart, doesn’t it?! The camellia is gorgeous. I can see that it’s a good climbing tree by the brook.
    That’s a nice haul from the charity shops. Haven’t read those Stephen Kings, hope you can tell if they are good.
    I have to ask my son to take pics of me too. 🙂

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